Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is not a call for the militia to grab their stockpile of guns, knives, swords, etc. This is a call to arms with knowledge. Armed with knowledge we can accomplish much. In this segment, I shall attempt to cover the basic rules of journalism, by covering the who, what, when, where, why and how to be armed.

WHO? Who is needed? Volunteers - You are needed. Your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, wherever they may be. Many numbers are needed. Right now (as of 5:00 p.m.) there are over 137,883 volunteers. Many more are needed. It needs to be in the millions. With numbers, we can make a difference.

WHAT? What is needed? Volunteer for what? Your time to learn, your knowledge to communicate to others by word of mouth, by phone, by computer. By writing your politicians. A very good friend and fellow scouter, now deceased, once said, "volunteering is the rent that you pay to live in a community".

WHEN and WHERE? When am I needed? Now. Now more than ever. Whenever you go to work, to the store, to the gas station (especially the gas station), anytime you are in public and have the opportunity to converse.

WHY? Why am I needed? This is a golden, grass roots opportunity to make your voice heard. To let the politicians, local, state and national know that enough is enough. You've probably seen the commercial on television. It starts out by saying:

"Every year we're sending almost $700 billion out of our nation's economy to foreign nations for their oil. That's four times the annual cost of the Iraqi war and almost one-and-a-half times the projected U.S. deficit for 2009. It ends up in the pockets of a few friends and a lot of enemies. Last year we sent more than $300 billion to countries controlled by oppressive or unstable regimes. We are killing our economy at the same time that we are propping up our enemies". I can think of 700 billion reasons why.

HOW? How can I make a difference? By joining. By becoming united. These are the "United States" after all. How do I join? How much does it cost? I have inserted a link to "The Pickens Plan" website. There is no cost. To coin a phrase from my very good friend "The Google-Man" Jim Cobb... "it doesn't cost a dime, dollar or peso to join".

Please consider it. Go to the website, click on the Plan and watch the videos. Please join. America needs you more than ever now. Arm yourself with the knowledge and get involved.

1 comment:

Wavecritter said...

"Arm yourself with the knowledge and get involved." A very powerful post Gator, you have a gift for blogging :) Thanks!