Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Christmas Poem from U.S. Service Men and Women to All of Us!

A Christmas Poem

LCDR Jeff Giles, SC, USN
30th Naval Construction Regiment
OIC, Logistics Cell One
Al Taqqadum, Iraq

Posted by James Everitt on December 10, 2008 at 8:23am in Inexpensive Clean Energy,

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
and I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

'What are you doing?' I asked without fear,
'Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!'
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts.

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said 'Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night.'
'It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,'
Then he sighed, 'That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.'
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother.
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall.

'' So go back inside,' he said, 'harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right.
''But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
'Give you money,' I asked, 'or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.'

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
'Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.'

PLEASE, would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our U.S service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities. Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.

Sunday, October 26, 2008



Due to medical reasons, I have had to leave the auto parts store.

As a member and Ambassador of the Pickens Plan, I am now focusing all of my attention towards The Picken's Plan and alternative and renewable energy.

There is an Energy Independence Pledge involved with the Picken's Plan that I feel every red-blooded American should go to the Plan website and endorse:

"We will no longer stand by and watch as America's national security and economy become more dependdent on the unstable foreign nations that we rely on for nearly 70% of the oil we use each day.

We spend nearly $700 billion every year buying foreign oil, which represents the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.

The new President and the 11th Congress need to enact an energy plan that reduces our foreign oil dependence by at least 30% within 10 years.

This plan must include proven American technology and resources; the development of new energy sources; and the expansion and modernization of the national electrical grid to transport renewable energy to homes and businesses.

Delaying any further means tacit support for continuing America's addiction to foreign oil.

I join with T.Boone Pickens and his army of supporters in calling for an Energy Independence Plan to be enacted within the first 100 days of the new administration".

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Second "Rain-Forest" - ALGAE

As a member and ambassador of The Pickens Plan (, I have learned of CNG, solar, ethanol and wind as alternative energy sources. The most promising and unique source that I have come across, is pond scum. You know that icky looking green, globby mass of yuck floating on top of a pond. This is algae - what could be the answer to our fuel problems.
Algae for commercial use is grown in a Algae Photo BioReactor and the link below is a video of a BioReactor system in Texas:

Algae is the fastest growing organism/plant on the planet. Depending upon the type of algae, 50% of it's body weight produces "lipids" or vegetable oil.
Corn will only produce about 18-20 gallons of oil per acre per year.
Palm will produce between 700-800 gallons of oil per acre per year.
Algae will produce over 20,000 gallons of oil per acre per year - when grown in an open pond system. Much, much more when done in the bioreactor. If we took 1/10 of the state of New Mexico, converted to vertical reactor algae production, we could meet all the energy demands of the United States.

Algae, like all plants, require carbon dioxide, water with nutrients and sunlight for growth. The bioreactor technology is ideal for locations adjacent to heavy producers of carbon dioxide such as coal fired power plants, refineries or manufacturing facilities, as the absorption of CO2 by the algae significantly reduces greenhouse gases.

A Photo Bio Reactor (PBR) is a system that provides an artificial environment for photosynthetic organisms (Algae) to perform a chemical conversion. Scientists and engineers have been developing several types of photo-bio reactors (PBR’s) over the past fifty years to grow microorganisms that are used in a wide variety of applications. Cultivated algae cultures can be used to produce human food, animal feed, health food, therapeutics, chemicals, fuel, hormones, and fertilizer.

The link below shows actor Alan Alda at a Photo Bio Reactor at MIT:

I asked a fellow Pickens Plan friend of mine, Frank "Palani" Cipriani of BioFarms Hawaii, "why isn't more being done on the oil production side?"
His response; " My take is the "Laws of Economics & the Law of Perpetual Motion theory", as applied to an INDUSTRY based on an "Oil-algae" is the basic stumbling-block. In order to better understand this, let's look at a comparison of another algae and market; Spirulina platensis for Nutritionals; a blue-green "super-food" according to the literature.

I've cultured Spirulina, my wife and I have eaten it on a daily basis for years, the market is under-fed, keeping the prices up. I pay $40/lb. for whole dried product for our consumption. Is a pound of oil-alga worth $40/lb.?(the extracts of Spirulina's pigments and compounds are very valuable for a number of Markets..... So, the problem state-of-the-art Algal-oil Production Lines face is scalability in the most cost-effective manner, how to achieve perpetual "bumper-crops" of oil-alga to balance out the comparative cost of production of Bio-oil and make it worth while doing....on an Industrial-scale.Meanwhile we; (my Company) continue to look at Bio-prospecting of a wide range of Algal-species, for harvesting of targeted Compounds, Extracts, and Bio-products for a variety of Products for Mankind's benefit; "the mind boggles" at the potential!" (Pharmaceutical Companys have referred to Algaes as "The Second Rain-forest"). For more information check out -

Monday, September 8, 2008


Reprinted from "The Plan" -
Natural gas and bio-fuels are the only domestic energy sources used for transportation.


Natural gas is the cleanest transportation fuel available today.
According to the California Energy Commission, critical greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas are 23% lower than diesel and 30% lower than gasoline.

Natural gas vehicles (NGV) are already available and combine top performance with low emissions. The natural gas Honda Civic GX is rated as the cleanest production vehicle in the world.

According to NGVAmerica, there are more than 7 million NGVs in use worldwide, but only 150,000 of those are in the United States.

The EPA estimates that vehicles on the road account for 60% of carbon monoxide pollution and around one-third of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions in the United States. As federal and state emissions laws become more stringent, many requirements will be unattainable with conventionally fueled vehicles.

Since natural gas is significantly cleaner than petroleum, NGVs are increasing in popularity. The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach recently announced that 16,800 old diesel trucks will be replaced, and half of the new vehicles will run on alternatives such as natural gas.


Natural gas is significantly less expensive than gasoline or diesel. In places like Utah and Oklahoma, prices are less than $1 a gallon. To see fueling stations and costs in your area, check out


Natural gas is our country's second largest energy resource and a vital component of our energy supply. 98% of the natural gas used in the United States is from North America. But 70% of our oil is purchased from foreign nations.

Natural gas is one of the cleanest, safest and most useful forms of energy — residentially, commercially and industrially. The natural gas industry has existed in the United States for over 100 years and continues to grow.
Domestic natural gas reserves are twice that of petroleum. And new discoveries of natural gas and ongoing development of renewable biogas are continually adding to existing reserves.
While it is a cheap, effective and versatile fuel, less than 1% of natural gas is currently used for transportation.

The Mechanics

1. Generate 20% of our electricity from wind power.
2. Use wind power to replace natural gas.
3. Use natural gas as a transportation fuel — replacing foreign oil.

We currently use natural gas to produce 22% of our electricity. Harnessing the power of wind to generate electricity will give us the flexibility to shift natural gas away from electricity generation and put it to use as a transportation fuel — reducing our dependence on foreign oil by more than one-third.

How do we get it done?

The Pickens Plan is a bridge to the future — a blueprint to reduce foreign oil dependence by harnessing domestic energy alternatives, and buy us time to develop even greater new technologies.

Building new wind generation facilities and better utilizing our natural gas resources can replace more than one-third of our foreign oil imports in 10 years. But it will take leadership.
On January 20th, 2009, a new President will take office.
We're organizing behind the Pickens Plan now to ensure our voices will be heard by the next administration.

Together we can raise a call for change and set a new course for America's energy future in the first hundred days of the new presidency — breaking the hammerlock of foreign oil and building a new domestic energy future for America with a focus on sustainability.

You can start changing America's future today by supporting the Pickens Plan. Join now.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is not a call for the militia to grab their stockpile of guns, knives, swords, etc. This is a call to arms with knowledge. Armed with knowledge we can accomplish much. In this segment, I shall attempt to cover the basic rules of journalism, by covering the who, what, when, where, why and how to be armed.

WHO? Who is needed? Volunteers - You are needed. Your relatives, your friends, your neighbors, wherever they may be. Many numbers are needed. Right now (as of 5:00 p.m.) there are over 137,883 volunteers. Many more are needed. It needs to be in the millions. With numbers, we can make a difference.

WHAT? What is needed? Volunteer for what? Your time to learn, your knowledge to communicate to others by word of mouth, by phone, by computer. By writing your politicians. A very good friend and fellow scouter, now deceased, once said, "volunteering is the rent that you pay to live in a community".

WHEN and WHERE? When am I needed? Now. Now more than ever. Whenever you go to work, to the store, to the gas station (especially the gas station), anytime you are in public and have the opportunity to converse.

WHY? Why am I needed? This is a golden, grass roots opportunity to make your voice heard. To let the politicians, local, state and national know that enough is enough. You've probably seen the commercial on television. It starts out by saying:

"Every year we're sending almost $700 billion out of our nation's economy to foreign nations for their oil. That's four times the annual cost of the Iraqi war and almost one-and-a-half times the projected U.S. deficit for 2009. It ends up in the pockets of a few friends and a lot of enemies. Last year we sent more than $300 billion to countries controlled by oppressive or unstable regimes. We are killing our economy at the same time that we are propping up our enemies". I can think of 700 billion reasons why.

HOW? How can I make a difference? By joining. By becoming united. These are the "United States" after all. How do I join? How much does it cost? I have inserted a link to "The Pickens Plan" website. There is no cost. To coin a phrase from my very good friend "The Google-Man" Jim Cobb... "it doesn't cost a dime, dollar or peso to join".

Please consider it. Go to the website, click on the Plan and watch the videos. Please join. America needs you more than ever now. Arm yourself with the knowledge and get involved.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Belts, Belts and Nothing But the Belts

A sad fact now days is most drivers do not pay any attention to their automotive belts - until they break. What good is a belt anyway? They only turn the fan that draws air through the radiator, operates the water pump and power steering pump, transmits power from the crankshaft to the alternator to keep the battery charged, and takes care of running that luxury item on hot days...the air conditioner.

The automotive drive belt provides the lowest cost means of power transmission from one rotating shaft to another. No need to check these pieces of rubber periodically, right? I mean, they only have to contend with flexxing around different pulleys at thousands of rpm's, endure the harshest effects of weather, from freezing cold to broiling heat. Not to mention they are constantly exposed to water and dirt splashed up from the road, but also to the hot, oily conditions of the engine compartment.

Causes of Belt Failure

Today's belts must endure multiple stresses such as rapid acceleration (lead-foot-itis) and deceleration, extremely high temperatures and smaller diameter pulleys. (Not to mention having to contend with mice and squirrels crawling under the hood and gnawing away at the belt). And you thought you were stressed out!

The most common cause of belt failure is from heat. This results from belt slippage which is either caused by low tension, oil lubricants, or dirt on the belt and/or pulley. The heat can cause the belt to crack and break and also transfer from the rim of the pulley to the accessory drive shaft and "cook" the bearing lubricants. This result is damage far exceeding the belt replacement.

So, how often should I inspect my belt(s)?

The average life of a belt is four years. A good rule is to replace the belt(s) every four years regardless of what their condition appears to be in. Belts that operate under adverse conditions have a tendency to wear out sooner, should be checked frequently and replaced whenever there are signs of wear or deterioration. A good rule of thumb is to inspect the belt(s) monthly. This will help avoiding dangerous situations such as an overheated engine and the loss of power steering. The belt(s) should definitely be checked when performing an oil change.

What Should I Look For?

When inspecting the belt(s), make sure the engine is off and disconnect the battery if the vehicle has a thermostatically controlled electric fan. Inspect each belt in several places, gently twisting it to be able to inspect the sidewalls and the bottom. Check for these conditions: (Most apply to V-Belts)

1. Separation

2. Glazing

3. Oil / Grease Soaking

4. Tensile Break

5. Cracks

6. Uneven Ribs

5. Jagged or Streaked Sidewalls

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Common Radiator Hose Problems

When was the last time that your hood to your car was opened and you checked your radiator hoses? Very recently, I hope. If not, this needs to be done real soon, unless you enjoy being stranded out in the middle of no-where. Steam spewing from under the hood is not a happy sight. Many hose problems are caused by high heat temperatures under the vehicle's hood. How can this be prevented?

All automotive hoses should be checked at least once every six months to be certain that they are operating properly. The best rule is to replace coolant hoses whenever you change the coolant/anti-freeze. (What? I need to change the coolant?) Yes, this should be done roughly every two years. This includes changing the heater hoses. Now, let's check out the hoses.

First, let's check both the upper and lower radiator hoses for cracks (which is characteristic of either heat or ozone damage). Cracks in the cover of the hose are not always considered heat damage. If the hose has cracks, but is still soft and not hardened, the problem could be due to ozone, found in heavy air pollution areas.

Next, the worst enemy of automotive hose is oil. This can come from the engine, power steering, brake system or various lubrication lines. Any of these fluids will cause the hose to swell and become soft and gooey. Some hoses could even have bubbles or bulges.

Another source of hose damage is abrasion, scuffing or gouging. This could be caused by the hose either encountering road debris (rocks, sticks, etc.), rubbing up against a bracket or other metal surface, or belt gouging.

To check coolant hoses, with the engine cool, feel the hoses immediately after starting the engine. The hoses should become pressurized and hot within minutes. If not, there is a problem with the cooling system.

These are all normal maintenance checks that should be done religiously to prevent any damage to your vehicle. It's just like getting a check-up from your doctor. The more you maintain your vehicle, the more it will perform for you.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Happy Motoring! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Safety Issue: Check Your Tire Valve Stems

Faulty rubber tire valve stems recall expanded

The recall of millions of faulty tire valve stems, produced in China, has been expanded. The rubber replacement valve stems in question may crack prematurely and cause tires to lose air quickly. At high speeds such rapid tire deflation can cause a serious crash.

Tech International, tire accessory distributor of Johnstown, Ohio, originally recalled model TR-413, which was manufactured for Dill Air Control Products of Oxford, N.C. by Topseal Shanghai Auto-Parts Co. Ltd. in China. The company said at that time the intial recall involved as many as six million valve stems.

But Tech International has now expanded the recall to include five additional models—TR-413CH, TR-414, TR-415, TR-418 and TR-423—manufactured between August 2006 and November 2006. Tech Int'l did not say how many of those additional models of valve stems it has distributed. As many as 30 million of the TR-413 valve stems had been shipped to the North American market.

An investigation by The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

of the valve stems was opened on May 15.

Most consumers will have a have a hard time figuring out with any certainty if they have any of the defective valve stems on their tires, however. That's because once a valve stems is installed, the only way to check to see if it is one of the suspected models is to dismount the tire from the wheel and inspect if from the inside.

Vehicle owners should conduct a visual inspection of their valve stems to check for cracks. To do this, remove the hubcap (if there is one) and move the top of the stem around, checking for any sign of cracks in the base of the stem where it meets the wheel. To aid in checking, use a flashlight for better light while moving the the stem around.

If a valve stem is found to be cracked, have all four valve stems replaced by the dealer where the tires were purchased/installed.

Be certain to check the tire air pressure and inspect the rubber valve stems for cracks at least once a month.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


The United States imports more than 60% of its petroleum, two-thirds of which is used to fuel vehicles in the form of gasoline and diesel. The demand for petroleum imports is increasing. With much of the worldwide petroleum reserves located in politically volatile countries, the United States is vulnerable to supply disruptions.No matter how efficient conventional vehicles become, some of the gasoline and diesel needed to fuel them will need to be imported. I posted a blog on Big Oil that was quite negative. That was done for a reason. Our country needs to curtail it's dependence on oil.

Hydrogen is one of the answers.

Hydrogen can be produced domestically from resources such as natural gas, coal, solar energy, wind, biomass, and nuclear energy, with the potential for near-zero greenhouse gas emissions. Once produced, it generates power to highly efficient fuel cell vehicles without exhaust emissions. Hydrogen holds the promise for economic growth in both the stationary and transportation energy sectors, along with the end to the nation's "addiction to oil."

Impact on our Health

About half of the U.S. population lives in areas where air pollution levels are high enough to negatively impact public health or the environment. Emissions from gasoline and diesel vehicles—such as nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter—are a major source of this pollution. Hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles emit none of these harmful substances. Their only emission is H2O—water.

The environmental and health benefits are even greater when hydrogen is produced from low- or zero-emission sources such as solar, wind, and nuclear energy and fossil fuels with advanced emission controls and carbon sequestration. Because the transportation sector accounts for about one third of U.S. carbon dioxide emissions, which contribute to climate change, using these sources to produce hydrogen for transportation can slash greenhouse gas emissions.
The potential market for hydrogen vehicles is enormous, but the opportunities don't stop there. Hydrogen and fuel cells can power stationary applications such as backup generators, and grid electricity production. They can also compensate for the intermittency of renewable energy production. For example, wind generators can produce hydrogen when winds are high and electricity demand is low. When the wind slackens or electricity demand peaks, fuel cells consume the stored hydrogen to provide grid electricity.
For more information, please visit

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Great American Rip-Off

Millions of Americans now days are living from paycheck to paycheck. Many have had to give up health insurance, life insurance, had their homes foreclosed, lost their livelihood, gone into severe debt, or other tragic scenarios. Why? Because of the greed of our politicians, BIG OIL and their investors. Most Americans draw minimum wage or have to survive from tips in the service industry. When the price of fuel continues to climb, something has to be cut from their budgets.

Of course the fat cats in Washington D.C. don't have to worry about that, they're too busy embarking on their five-week vacations. Big oil cats and their investors are too busy to be bothered with such trivial matters as it may interfere with their golf game.

August 1, 2008 - Exxon/Mobil reported second quarter earnings of $11.68 BILLION, the largest profit from operations ever by any U.S. corporation. Revenue rose 40% to $138.1 billion - up from $98.4 billion in the year earlier quarter.

Europe's Royal Dutch Shell reported a 33% jump in second quarter earnings to a mere $11.6 billion.

Record quarters were also reported for Conoco Phillips, Chevron Corporation, BP PLC, and French company Total SA. These six major international oil companies topped over $50 billion in combined profit for the first time ever.

The American Petroleum Institute, the industry's trade association, claimed Big Oil earnings are not out of line compared with earnings in other industrial sectors!
Here's the kicker...Investors expected even bigger profits. Apparently, it doesn't matter if it just happens to bring the nation to it's knees in doing so.

We still have someone in the White House who claims that our country is not in a recession. Of course, being an oil man himself, I guess he can't see the forest for the trees. Recession? No. On the skirts of a Depression? Quite possible. Thanks Big Oil!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Checked Your Battery Lately?

Every day at the parts store, I encounter someone lugging a battery in to be covered under warranty. What you see above are examples of improperly cared for batteries - they have not been maintained. Are these considered to be a defect of the battery? Nope! Apparently the hood of the car hasn't been raised for quite some time. Could these batteries create starting problems? You betcha! These are examples of severe corrosion problems.

A lot of vehicle owners (which includes cars, light & heavy duty trucks and equipment) are under the impression that all batteries are "maintenance free". Even boat owners and garden tractor owners must think that. Unless the battery specifically says "Maintenance Free" or are "Gel" batteries, all others must be checked periodically. Ninety percent of batteries that are brought into the store claiming to be bad have never had the "caps" taken off to check the fluid levels. Once the caps have been taken off at the store, you would almost swear you could hear a coyote howling because the cells are so dry. Some of them are dry enough that one could almost grow cactus inside the battery.

Trouble - shooting

1. Check the fluid (electrolyte) level in the battery. Remove the caps and check for the fluid to be level with the bottom of the filler hole (fluid must cover the plates). If low, fill with distilled water.
2. Check for loose hold-down.
3. Check for cracked cover or case.
4. Check for loose, frayed or broken cables.
5. If there is corrosion on the terminal ends, either use a spray terminal cleaner (following the directions on the can), or use a baking soda paste (3 parts baking soda to 1 part water). This will neutralize the corrosion.
Using a wrench, loosen the nut on the battery terminal bolt (negative cable first - top of battery will be marked with a negative symbol - ) and slowly twist the terminal from the post. (On a side mount battery, remove the bolt from the center of the cable end). Repeat this with the positive (marked with a + symbol). Clean the inside of the terminal end with a battery terminal brush or (soapless) steel wool pad. Use the terminal brush or steel wool to "shine" the battery post or inside of the side mount. Once clean, reinstall the positive cable first and then the negative cable. Do not overtighten the nuts or the bolt.
To prevent corrosion deposits from forming again, coat the terminals with either grease, petroleum jelly, or a battery protector spray. I highly recommend the use of battery corrosion washers also. They are very inexpensive and work amazingly well.
Again, periodically check the electrolyte level in the battery - best done at every oil change and keep the top free of dirt and debris. You'll be surprised at how much longer your battery will last by keeping it well maintained.
Happy Motoring!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ordering Auto Parts 101

Ordering Parts Online - Gathering Information

Today, we'll talk about preparing to order auto parts on line and the necessary information needed. The great part of ordering on-line is : You get to do this in the convenience of your own home, no fuel has been used fighting traffic to get to the nearest parts store, you don't have to wait in line, no dealing with amateurs or attitudes, and last but not least - you can take your dear sweet time!

One thing needs to be made perfectly clear at this point. Don't even think about setting down in front of the computer without doing your homework! That means obtaining all of the information needed to make the ordering process go quickly and without any frustration. This should be a pleasant experience, not a hassle.

Now, let's get the information needed to do this. You're probably thinking, "Gator, all I've got to do is get out my owner's manual and I will have all of the information I need." You will be somewhat correct. Your owner's manual will tell you the Make and Model of the vehicle. As far as knowing which Engine or Transmission you have - the manual covers all engines and transmissions for that production model. The manual is extremely useful for trouble-shooting tips and knowing what types of fluids to be used. (For instance: oil, brake, transmission, rear differential and clutch master cylinder, if so equipped, to name a few). Also, it will identify where the fuse panel is located and what type of fuses to use.

Now, let's grab some paper and pen (pencil, marker - whatever) and go pop the hood on the vehicle. If the vehicle has a hood release on the inside, stop and look at the decal located on the driver's door or door post. Most vehicles have a production date located on the decal. It would show the month and year that the vehicle was produced. Jot that down.

Lift the hood and look for a decal either on the valve cover, radiator support or possibly on the underside of the hood. It will show the engine type such as 6.o L or 2.5L for example. Jot that down.
At this point go ahead and write down the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number).
To find out what type of Transmission the vehicle has, the VIN number will be needed to contact either the dealer to identify it.
If you are going to be working on the brakes, you will need to know whether the vehicle has ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) or not. There may be an ABS logo on the brake pedal, or with the ignition system on accessory (ACC), check for an ABS light on the instrument panel. To be certain, if there is any question, have the VIN number handy and contact the dealer.
I would recommend once you have done your homework, go to your computer, in accessories - open notepad and input all of the information and save it. It will be there when you need it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ordering Auto Parts 101

Lesson One

There always seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to ordering auto parts either on-line (What, I can order parts on-line?) or visiting your neighborhood auto parts store. The main source of confusion stems from the fact that one must, as the Boy Scouts of America say : "Be Prepared". Prepared for may ask? One word. INFORMATION.

A significant amount of counter-people have just graduated from high school after 15 years and their last job was flippin' burgers at the local burger joint.
In this session, we will cover the parts store scenario:

It's late Saturday afternoon. You've just driven 10 - 15 miles (@ $4.00 plus per gallon), piled up a pound of bugs on the windshield, fussed at someone sitting at a green light, talking on the cell-phone, and got cut off in traffic twice. You are really geared up now to answer a birage of questions by the burger flipper.

"I need a starter for my car" you grouse, as you stroll in (empty handed). Somehow, that just doesn't quite cut it, but that's your opening remark. I have yet to see a counter-person break out the crystal ball and come up with the starter for that car (whatever it may be).
You stand there waiting for Ace to go back to the shelf and grab a starter.
He stands there giving you that "deer in the headlight look" and you sense your blood pressure rising.
"A know for my car...sometime today would be nice", you mutter.
He wipes his nose and asks in that whiney high-pitched voice: "What kind of car, Dude?"
"Ford" you grumble.
"Oh, a Fix Or Repair Daily", is the reply.
So many good comedians out of business and I have to listen to this, is basically written across your forehead.
(Author's note:) By the way, have I mentioned you are standing there, grease dripping from both hands, knuckles bleeding, shirt drenched in a combination of sweat, oil, beer and bug spray? Not to mention the boot-prints of grease and oil you just left on the floor marching up to the counter.
"Uh...what kind of Ford?"
"A Mustang! Now, will you get the starter, Ace?"
"Uh...what year Mustang?"
"I dunno, it's my sister's car...74, 76 or 78...they're all the same!"
(This "all the same" information has come from your construction buddy Steve, sitting out in the truck, who at this very moment is draining the last of the six-pack, purchased on the way to the parts store. His vast knowledge of auto repair encompasses replacing the fan belt on the construction site concrete mixer).
"Uh...does it have an engine?"
"Well, duh! Why else would I be here tryin' to get a starter?"
"Uh...what size engine?"
"I dunno, 4 cylinder, 6 cylinder...they're all the same!"
"Uh...I need to know which one and what type of transmission does it have?"
(Author's Note: Are you starting to get the picture here?) After finally supplying the necessary information (like pulling hen's teeth) you have just discovered several things. You weren't truly prepared. Your wallet is laying on the counter where you purchased the six-pack, you didn't bring the old starter which now amounts to more money, this could have been handled with a phone call and best of all, Ace says the starter is on back-order and won't have it in the store until Monday afternoon.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Conclusion)


Cole Quinnel, Engineering and Technical Affairs Public Relations Manager, noted:
Those (multi-fuel, etc) were the advantages touted in the 1960s. How much of this would still be true today is unknown because so many elements changed in conventional vehicles, automotive legislation, and related technology. Today we do an incredible amount of testing and modeling to determine cost, efficiency, customer acceptance, customer value, durability, and so on. These testing capabilities just didn't exist 40 years ago. ... Regarding [the ability to use] various types of fuel, this is true. However, they were all petroleum based fuels which does not reduce our dependency on oil. ...

You are correct that the turbine engine has evolved as well in those 40 years and that may be an advantage. The fact that Chrysler built some of these cars in the 1960s is interesting trivia, but it may not be of any real value in considering whether a turbine car is viable in the future. You really must start from a clean slate of paper considering all of the changes in customers, environment, and technology.

Regarding fuel--from an immediate customer perspective, less expensive fuel options are desirable. In the long term, however, vehicles that use non-petroleum based fuel are what the government would prefer. ... that the availability of oil is decreasing is a reality and companies are working to develop alternatives.

Where are they now?

Nine Turbine cars survive today:

1 - Smithsonian Museum - Washington D.C.

1 - National Museum of Transportation - St. Louis, MO.

1 - Gilmore Museum - Hickory Corners, MI.

3 - Walter P. Chrysler Museum - Auburn Hills, MI.

1 - Private owner - Indiana

1 - Henry Ford Museum - Detroit, MI.

1 - National History Museum - Los Angeles, CA.

40 production cars and 5 prototypes were crushed and destroyed, late 1967. One other was destroyed in a crash test at the Chelsea proving grounds.

Personal Note:

I have forever been fascinated with the Turbine Car since reading about it in one of the science/mechanics magazines back in the early 60's as a (pre-teen). It has really been a privilege to not only learn more about this project, but to share a little history with people who perhaps never knew anything like this existed. I will always remember seeing one of these vehicles on US 1 north of Miami, Fl. while riding a bus from Homestead to DeLand, Fl.

To learn more about the Turbine car or to check into other Mopar subjects, visit .

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 13)

Could Chrysler sell a turbine now? and other answers

Barry Dressel, manager of the Walter P. Chrysler museum, offered a number of insights (responding to Russell Richardson's request) as to why the turbine never made it into full production, and why it would be difficult to offer it now.

Chrysler Engineering began working on automotive applications for gas turbines because they were attracted by the multi-fuel capability, along with the reduced number of moving parts and the absence of vibration. The difficulties to overcome included the fact that turbines, even at the lowest end of their operating spectrum, turn at very high rpm and thus consume considerable amounts of fuel at idle, plus the fact that the application of throttle does not produce instantaneous response, but a lag while the turbine "spools-up." This is basically the same characteristic as the "turbo lag" in turbocharged piston cars.

Turbines also have a high operating temperature, requiring use of special--and expensive--alloys, and the exhaust generates considerable BTUs and exits at a very high temperature.

Turbines are also very loud. Addressing the heat and noise requires considerable more sophistication than required by the piston engine exhaust system. And while our experience with turbine cars even today is that they are quite reliable and require little maintenance, when something does break, its makeup guarantees it will expensive to replace.

For these reasons it's easy to see why aircraft and naval applications are ideal for turbines. The US and the British navies have used destroyers powered not by steam turbines--which require constant maintenance by a comparatively large and well trained crew--but gas turbines, which are "pod" installations requiring less crew to operate and are "overhauled by replacement" during refits. The noise of these units can be dealt with fairly easily, the rpm range required is narrow, and the heat produced can be scavenged for other purposes.

By 1962 Chrysler engineers ameliorated most drawbacks to using a turbine in a domestic automobile so that the renowned fleet of fifty experimental turbine cars with custom built Ghia bodies could sent to consumers for a two-year evaluation program. The verdict the consumer evaluators was favorable overall, although throttle lag remained an issue--especially noticeable in those days of big V-8s.

The big complaint from the consumers was poor fuel economy at idle and lower speeds. Unfortunately, this wasn't something further refinement could alter very much, since high rpm is inherent in gas turbine operation. I suspect this was the main reason that the U.S. Government ended its support for Chrysler's turbine research--the Goverment's goal was to lower fuel consumption in vehicles, not increase it, never mind the fuel flexibility.

Parenthetically, based on our present day experience with our two operative turbine cars, high fuel consumption at idle does result in a lot of exhaust heat BTUs. This may not be a problem with one car, but the possibility of traffic jam including numbers of turbine vehicles, occurring, say, on a steamy summer morning in Atlanta, might have resulted in some interesting thermal pollution problems.

Ultimately the cost of producing turbine vehicles and the inherent drawbacks to their use in an automotive application would have produced very limited market acceptance. In talks about making cars cleaner and more fuel efficient with engineers here, I've asked whether a small turbine, turning at a constant rate, wouldn't be an ideal way to power the generator of an electric motor-driven car. Alas, the noise, high rpm and heat are still expensive problems, and turbines small enough to serve such a purpose are prohibitively expensive compared to existing alternatives, such as small diesels. In a sense, that's where Chrysler left off. In this context, the allure today of the fuel cell becomes clear.

I do know that both Volvo--the truck and bus company, not the car division now owned by Ford--and NASA have developed the sort of gas-turbo-electric hybrid I mentioned before, but the application has evidently not been feasible in an automobile--only in bigger machines, like buses.
All the types of automotive turbine uses seem to be targeted for larger vehicles--tanks, road equipment, busses, etc. The use of new ceramic materials in place of metal alloys seems to offer thermal efficiencies and economic efficiencies unheard of earlier, and the various researchers interested in gas turbines keep mentioning the future development of practical small automotive gas turbines, but no auto company I know of is currently experimenting with cars in the manner of Chrysler from the 1950s to the 1970s. In the future a small, efficient turbine may be developed that can replace the small diesels presently touted for hybrid cars.

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 12)

Why the Turbine program ended

Bob Sheaves wrote:
When the Corporation was in such dire straights, back in 1979, Chrysler got some loan guarantees from the US Government. That Chrysler (as a condition of those loans) had to sell off Chrysler Defense and the M1 turbine-powered tank program is lesser known, but still public knowledge.
What is known only to a priveleged few is that the government killed a dream of a lifetime for a group of 70 people at the Chrysler "skunkworks" in Highland Park.

Believe it or not, Chrysler was days away from making a production decision (one which Lee Iacocca favored) on a rather unique vehicle...
The 1981 Chrysler New Yorker Turbine car (M-body) was ready to be tooled, according to the head of the program, Mr. George Scheckter.

There was no more design work to be accomplished, just tool and start production.

The Turbine Engine was a fifth generation (not a 3rd generation like the 1963 car) engine capable of 22mpg in the EPA test cycles. One of the prototypes is still in existence (at least it was in 1989), stored in the same building as the 1963 car, its tooling and all the remaining spare parts (enough to build 3 more of the 1963 cars).
Your government thought it was too much of a risk and ordered the car cancelled as "too risky, from an economic standpoint." Just imagine what COULD have happened!

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR?

This 1977 turbine car, based on the LeBaron body, was the last unique-bodied turbine car made.

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 11)


Turbine Future (As seen in 1964)

Although the progress of the gas turbine and its advantages are impressive, additional progress in improved component efficiencies (particularly in the compressor) and the future possibility inherent in increased operating temperatures, are extremely promising. For example, a 400-degree increase in nozzle inlet temperature would mean a 40 per cent increase in specific output for a given-size power plant, or conversely, a reduction in size for a fixed horsepower. The same 400 degrees increase would improve fuel economy over 20 per cent without needing to take advantage of any further increase in component efficiency.

The tremendous potential of the turbine to satisfy the characteristics desired in a power plant fires the imagination and the energy of Chrysler engineers. They feel that the turbine has great promise for propelling automobiles more smoothly, more economically, and more dependably.

After the 1964 Report:

According to the original history of the Chrysler Gas Turbine program published in Hemmings Special-Interest Autos magazine and written by gas turbine expert Leon Dixon, the Dodge Charger was originally intended to be a turbine car. His original article stated that the Chrysler turbines had reached the point where production would be practical, and the decision to make a special, limited-production turbine car with different styling was reached. Tom Golec, supervisor of car development, said that low-volume tooling for a 500-vehicle production run had already been ordered, and a no-slip clutch unit was developed (but not used because of its cost). The project was cancelled, and the special body became the Charger (but with a different grille and different tail lights and ornamentation).

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 10)

Consumer Delivery and World Tour

In return for the use of the turbine car, each user was asked to furnish Chrysler with information needed for the market evaluation program. In general, Chrysler handled the service, insurance and other costs involved in the use of the turbine car. Each user bought the fuel for driving it. They also were expected to maintain the physical appearance of the car, exercise reasonable care to protect it from damage, and supervise its use by others. And, in the event of some difficulty, they were instructed to report the situation to a turbine service representative.

The world's first consumer delivery of a turbine car took place October 29, 1963 in Chicago. Mr. Lynn A. Townsend, president of Chrysler Corporation, presented the keys to the turbine car to Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vlaha of Broadview, Illinois (a Chicago suburb). Typical of the 200 scheduled deliveries, the presentation was observed by newsmen and reported in various newspapers, magazines, and on radio and television.

The objective of this program was to learn just how this new kind of car performed in the hands of typical drivers and in typical everyday usage - on long trips and short trips - and over a wide range of climatic conditions and terrain.

In addition to the user evaluation program, a traveling exhibit began visiting large shopping centers across the United States in January, 1964. The exhibits included a turbine car, turbine engine displays and regular production Chrysler Corporation products. Each stopover was scheduled for several days or weeks and was announced in local newspapers. Chrysler representatives accompanied the exhibits and explained the turbine and Chrysler's program to interested visitors.

A turbine car also was taken on a world tour. From September 12, 1963 through January 8, 1964, the car was shown in 23 cities in 21 countries. The 47,000-mile journey by a chartered aircraft included stopovers in Geneva, Paris, London, Turin, Bombay, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney, Cape Town, Buenos Aires, and Mexico City.

Throughout all aspects of the consumer evaluation, shopping center exhibit, and world tour programs, Chrysler was trying to get reactions from the general public - from the millions of people who would drive, ride and view this new kind of car. This evaluation, Chrysler emphasized, was designed to generate the information needed as the basis for decisions regarding the direction that should be taken in the turbine program. It was a necessary piece of research concerning the size and characteristics of the potential market for this new kind of automobile. And since it was a test -an experimental market-research project - it had no pre-ordained outcome.

In 1966, Chrysler wrote:
Its body was designed by Chrysler engineers and stylists and built by Ghia of Italy. The gas turbine engine was built and tested at Chrysler Research Laboratories. It had a rated output of 130 bhp @ 3600 rpm output shaft speed. The Turbine Car was used to test consumer and market reaction to gas turbine power in one of the most ambitious consumer research programs yet undertaken. All told, the 50 Turbine Cars used during the test were loaned to 203 different drivers in 133 cities throughout 48 states. Each car was assigned to a user for a three-month period, at the end of which time they were asked to furnish Chrysler with information needed for the market evaluation program.

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 9)

Consumer Testing Selection

The operation of the Turbine Car was much the same as that of a car with a piston engine and an automatic transmission. To start it, the transmission shift lever was placed in the "Idle" location and pushed down to engage the "Park/Start" position. The ignition key was turned to the right and released . Starting was automatic. Within a few seconds, the inlet temperature and tachometer gauges on the instrument panel would read about 1700 F and 18, 000 rpm, respectively, indicating that the engine had been started.

The present performance and economy of the Turbine was comparable to a conventional car with a standard V-8 engine. The engine would operate satisfactorily on diesel fuel, kerosene, unleaded gasoline, JP-4 (jet fuel), and mixtures thereof. And, even more interesting, it was possible to change from one of these fuels to another without any changes or adjustments to the engine. The users of the cars would also appreciate the many other advantages of the turbine engine.

The cars were built at Chrysler Corporation's Engineering Research Laboratories in Detroit. At the assembly area, the Chrysler-designed car bodies, which are built by Ghia of Italy, were lowered onto the new engines and chassis components. The turbine engines were built and tested at Chrysler's Research Laboratories.

The objective of the program was to test consumer and market reaction to turbine power and to obtain service data and driver experience with the turbine cars under a wide variety of conditions. Each selected user would drive the car for a period up to three months under a no-charge agreement. The car would then be reassigned to other users to provide a broad consumer sampling base. In total, the 50 cars would be distributed to about 200 motorists on a rotating system over a two-year period.

Under the user selection procedure, Chrysler gave its accounting firm the date and metropolitan area location of each planned delivery. Random selection of user candidates for each location were then made by the accounting firm according to the selection and distribution criteria specified by Chrysler to meet market test objectives.

To qualify initially as a turbine prospect, a candidate must have owned a car (or, be a member of a household in which a car was owned by the head of the household) and must have had a valid driver's license.
Turbine candidates were being picked as follows:

From Chrysler's letter inquiry file which contained 25,000 names. These applications were in the form of unsolicited letters from people in hundreds of cities in all 50 states (and 15 countries). Requests ranged from that of a 12-year-old boy asking that his father be given a car to that of an 83-year-old retiree.

From major population centers in the 48 continental United States. Chrysler specified this to assure a high degree of market exposure to turbine-powered vehicles and to test the cars in a variety of geographical areas and in all kinds of weather and terrain.

In accordance with the make, price category and age of the new and used cars owned by candidates at the time they wrote their letters to Chrysler. In this respect, the program intent was to select users whose car ownership pattern would reflect the great variety of the types and ages of cars on the road at that time.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR?

What Ever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 8)

Consumer Evaluation Begins

On March 7, 1962, George J. Huebner, Jr., Executive Engineer of Research for Chrysler Corporation, received an award from the Power Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers "for his leadership in the development of the first automotive gas turbine suitable for mass -produced passenger automobiles." It was the first such award ever given to an automotive engineer.

Chrysler Corporation then built 50 turbine-powered cars and placed them in the hands of typical drivers for evaluation in everyday use.

This program was an outstanding point in the history of turbine vehicles for two key reasons. First, this was the first time any company had committed itself to build a significant number of gas turbine vehicles. (In the past, gas turbine installations generally were limited to one or two test vehicles.) Second, for the first time, turbine-powered automobiles would be driven and evaluated by private individuals outside the corporation. (Previously, only research specialists and a few automotive writers had been permitted to drive the turbine-powered cars.)

Since the sole purpose was to determine the reaction of typical American drivers to turbine-powered vehicles, the engine was placed in a family-type car designed for everyday use which forms a familiar evaluation background for the driver. The styling theme is designed to provide an exciting setting for the vehicle itself. The over-all impression is a fresh styling appeal with strong emphasis on a contemporary and luxurious appearance. Ornamentation is based on the bladed turbine motif which is characteristic of the engine. The interior features a full-length center console and extensive use of leather.

The Turbine is offered as one body style - a four-passenger, 2-door hardtop. The exterior and interior are turbine bronze. Power steering, power brakes, power window lifts, automatic transmission, and all other available equipment are standard.

The turbine power plant for the car is an entirely new design, more advanced in concept than the previous Chrysler turbines. It is Chrysler Corporation's fourth generation turbine power plant design. It has a new configuration with two regenerators rotating in vertical planes (one on each side) and a centrally located burner. Compared to the previous model CR2A, the new engine is more lively, lighter, more compact, and quieter. Acceleration lag is reduced to slightly over one second. And, of particular interest, the new engine design is more adaptable to production techniques.

Whatever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 7)

Consumer Reaction Tours

The two turbine-powered cars began extensive consumer reaction tours at dealerships throughout the country in cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, etc. Two other turbine cars, a second Dodge and a second Plymouth, were added during the month of April in order to expand coverage of the tours. All four cars were powered by versions of the CR2A turbine engine.

The tour schedule was similar in each area. When the cars arrived in a given city they were first displayed to members of the local press. The press events involved explaining the turbine and answering questions, giving each newsman a ride in one of the cars, and, in some cases, staging special tests. After members of the press had viewed the cars, they were then displayed at various dealerships. The cars were shown at Plymouth and Dodge dealerships in approximately 90 major cities in the United States and Canada.

During this time hundreds of thousands of people came to see the turbine vehicles, and public interest was intense and serious. When asked, "if this car were offered for sale to the motoring public, do you think you would buy one?" 30 per cent of the turbine viewers said "yes" they would definitely buy one and 54 per cent answered they would think seriously of buying one.

As a result, on February 14, 1962, Chrysler Corporation announced that it would build 50 to 75 turbine-powered passenger cars which would be available to selected users by the end of 1963. Typical motorists would be offered an opportunity to evaluate turbine cars under a variety of driving conditions.

On February 14, 1962, in Chicago, Chrysler Corporation exhibited another gas turbine vehicle - the Dodge Turbo Truck. This medium-duty truck (also equipped with the CR2A experimental engine) had just completed a 290-mile test run from Detroit to Chicago.

From February 17 through 25, three gas turbine-powered vehicles (the Plymouth, Dodge, and Dodge Truck) were exhibited at the Chicago Automobile Show.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Whatever Happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part6)

CR2A - Turbo Dodge Dart & Turbo Plymouth Fury

After months of test and development work, a CR2A gas turbine engine was installed in a modified 1962 Dodge called the Dodge Turbo Dart. Styling modifications to the car were adapted to reflect its radically different power plant. The bladed wheel motif of the grille and wheel covers reflected the appearance of the vital components of the gas turbine.

The car left New York City on December 27, 1961, to begin a coast-to-coast engineering evaluation. After traveling 3, 100 miles through snowstorms, freezing rain, subzero temperatures and 25 to 40 mile per hour head winds, it arrived in Los Angeles on December 31.The turbine not only lived up to all expectations but exceeded them! An inspection showed every part of the engine in excellent condition. Fuel economy was consistently better than a conventional car which traveled with the turbine car and was exposed to the same conditions. The key to the excellent performance and economy of the third generation gas turbine (called the CR2A) was its new variable turbine nozzle mechanism.The automatic second stage turbine nozzles provided optimum results throughout the entire operating range of the engine. Thus, economy, performance, or engine braking could be maximized as required by the driver. For example, one area of performance is what is termed acceleration lag - the time it takes the compressor section to reach operating speed after the accelerator pedal is depressed. The first turbine engine had an acceleration lag of seven seconds from idle to full-rate output; the second engine required three seconds to achieve maximum vehicle acceleration, while this new engine required less than one and one-half seconds to accomplish the same performance.

Another experimental turbine-powered car - the Plymouth Fury joined the Dodge Turbo Dart.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What ever happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 5)

Plymouth Turbine: The second generation

After extensive laboratory tests, a second engine was installed in a standard production 1959 Plymouth four door hardtop. In December, 1958, this latest Turbine Special made a 576-mile test run from Detroit to New York. The results showed significant improvements in fuel economy, along with roughly double the horsepower.

Three major engine components (compressor, regenerator and burner) showed significant improvements in operating efficiency . The compressor efficiency was brought up to 80 per cent, a 10 per cent increase. The regenerator or heat exchanger unit reclaimed almost 90 per cent of the heat energy in the exhaust gas whereas peak efficiency in the 1956 cross-country run was around 86 per cent. Burner efficiency also was improved so that it was approaching the point of ideal combustion.

Less apparent, but fully as important as the engine design advances, was the progress in turbine metallurgy. Prior to this time, automotive turbine metals were similar to those used in aircraft jet engines, which would not be suitable for automotive production for two key reasons: cost, and the lack of availability in the quantities needed. Through Chrysler metallurgical research, new materials were developed which contained plentiful and relatively inexpensive elements and could be fabricated by conventional means.

Chrysler engineers designed the third generation of the turbine and introduced it in three different vehicles. The initial showing was to newsmen on February 28, 1961. The vehicles were displayed publicly in Washington, D.C., March 5-9, 1961, in conjunction with the Turbine Power Conference of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, co-sponsored by the Department of Defense.

The first of these gas turbine vehicles was an experimental sports car called the Turboflite. In addition to the engine, other advanced ideas of the car were the retractable headlights, a deceleration air-flap suspended between the two stability struts, and an automatic canopied roof. This "idea" car received wide public interest and was shown at auto shows in New York City, Chicago, London, Paris, etc. The other vehicles were a near-stock 1960 Plymouth and two-and-a-half-ton Dodge truck.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What ever happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR ? (Part 4)

1956: A cross-country endurance test

In March, 1956, another historic event took place - the first transcontinental journey of an automobile powered by a gas turbine engine .

The turbine car - a four-door 1956 Plymouth sedan, a standard production model - departed from the Chrysler Building in New York City on March 26. On March 30, four days and 3,020 miles later, it completed the cross-country endurance test when it arrived at the City Hall in Los Angeles, California. The purpose of the run was to test the turbine's durability, acceleration, fuel economy, control in traffic, action on steep grades, and operation under various climatic conditions.

Over the entire trip, fuel economy averaged approximately 13 miles per gallon using mostly "white" (unleaded) gasoline and some diesel fuel . The run was interrupted only twice for minor repairs which did not involve the turbine engine (a faulty bearing in the reduction gear and an intake casting were replaced) . The engine itself and its basic components performed very well and without failures of any kind.

The experimental turbine engine was essentially the same as the one tested previously in the 1954 Plymouth. However, it reflected progress in the following major points:
* engine friction was greatly reduced;
* considerable work had been done with plain bearings instead of more
expensive types of antifriction bearings;
* the combustion system was improved;
* engine controls were developed further, allowing the driver to operate the
turbine car just as he would a conventional automobile.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What ever happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 3)

The First Production Turbine Car

On March 25, 1954, Chrysler Corporation disclosed the development and successful road testing of a 1954 production model Plymouth sport coupe which was powered by a turbine engine. On June 16, 1954, it was demonstrated at the dedication of the Chrysler Engineering Proving Grounds near Chelsea, Michigan. This car marked the first attempt by an American automotive firm to install a gas turbine engine in a production automobile.

The engine was rated at 100 shaft horsepower. Although built essentially as a laboratory development tool, it embodied solutions to two of the major problems long associated with vehicular gas turbines - high fuel consumption and scorching exhaust gas.

The key feature which contributed to removing these technical barriers was the revolutionary new heat exchanger, or regenerator . It extracted heat from the hot exhaust gases, transferred this energy to the incoming air, and thus lightened the burner's job of raising the gas temperature. The result was conservation of fuel as well as lower exhaust temperatures. A gas turbine engine without a regenerator would have required several times the amount of fuel normally used in a regenerator-equipped engine . The extra fuel would be required to heat the gases to operating levels .

The regenerator also performed another important function. It reduced the exhaust gas temperature from about 1200 degrees Farenheit at full engine power to a safe level of less than 500 degrees Farenheit. Even more important, at idle the temperature was reduced to 170 degrees. By the time the gases passed through the exhaust ducts to the atmosphere, the temperature was reduced even further.

Almost a year later, the same basic engine was installed in a 1955 Plymouth. This car, although never displayed at public exhibits, was used for driving evaluation tests on Detroit area streets.

Monday, July 7, 2008

What ever happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 2)

Chrysler research scientists and engineers then returned to their original objective - the automotive gas turbine engine. In the early 1950s, experimental gas turbine power plants were operated on dynamometers and in test vehicles. Active component development programs were carried out to improve compressors, regenerators, turbine sections, burner controls, gears, and accessories.

Here they faced many challenges: fuel consumption had to be competitive with conventional engines; components had to be small and highly efficient; noise had to be in the tolerable range; engine braking was a necessity, and the acceleration time-lag had to be reasonable.
In addition, readily available and non-strategic high temperature materials had to be developed, exhaust gas temperatures had to be low, and development work had to meet the requirements of building an engine which would be light, compact, reliable, easy to maintain and, from the cost aspect, competitive with the conventional automobile engines.

In spite of these difficult requirements, Chrysler research engineers were convinced that the potentialities of the automotive gas turbine engine were more than sufficient to warrant intensive research and a full-scale design and development.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

What ever happened to Chrysler's TURBINE CAR? (Part 1)

For decades, Chrysler worked on an alternative engine design that might have provided a very flexible alternative. It ended without fanfare in 1979, and was never picked up again - as far as we know. At Chrysler Corporation, the earliest work on gas turbine engines dates back to before World War II, when an exploratory engineering survey was conducted. These studies showed that, although the gas turbine engine had strong possibilities of being an ideal automobile engine, neither materials nor techniques had advanced to the point where the cost and time of intensive research would be warranted.

At the close of World War II, studies of completely new concepts in gas turbine design were started. As a result of this work, Chrysler was awarded, in the fall of 1945, a research and development contract by the Bureau of Aeronautics of the U. S. Navy to create a turboprop engine for aircraft. This program - although terminated in 1949 - resulted in the development of a turboprop engine which achieved fuel economy approaching that of aircraft piston engines.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Driving Costing You Dollars

Driving is a costly business, but most Americans have no practical alternatives. Besides, no other mode of transportation offers the same level of freedom to go where you want, when you want. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to save a few dollars here and there in every phase of car ownership. These savings can add up over the total time you own your car. Depending on your level of commitment, you can save (make) literally thousands. I would suggest talking a look at Speed Bump Parts for a great automotive alternative.

Let's start out with a list of automobile manufacturers' websites. All will give you a way to find owner's information and most manuals (you may have to use their search features):

Automobile Manufacturers

Friday, July 4, 2008

Car, SUV, and tire recalls
reported on June 24th, 2008

There have been a few significant recalls announced in the past few weeks affecting Dodge, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, and Volkswagen, plus a Toyota safety enhancement and a recall on tire valve stems. If your vehicle is listed here, you will be contacted by the manufacturer with the information on what you need to do or we provide a number to contact yourself. However, the valve stem recall requires action on the owner’s part.

Who is James "Gator" Fiske

I have been married for 35 years to my wife, Laura. We have two children, a boy and a girl, who have two children each. Being a grandfather makes one feel old and is supposed to be a position of great knowledge and wisdom. Unfortunately, as age sets in, either Mad Cow disease, Alzheimer’s, or just the experience of raising children begins to take over.

I have managed through the years to develop a passion for different types of music; Bluegrass, Country, Rock, and Classical. (Rap is definitely not one of the choices – sorry Snoop-Dogg). I somehow picked up a few chords on the guitar and mandolin a couple of years ago (to play rhythm only) and also started singing. The singing came about from Boy Scout Woodbadge Leadership training. My brother-in law, his brother and myself formed a group (called the Hogg-Pit Band) during training and sang little ditties at training sessions. This brought on gigs to Boy Scout Camporees, District banquets, Eagle ceremonies and church picnics. I joined a Country band, helped make a CD, quit the band and now just get together with people and jam. That is my therapy.

I have been in the automotive parts sales business, off and on now, since 1970, one year after high school graduation. I started out at a Ford-Lincoln-Mercury dealership. Through the years, I have worked at GM dealerships, (one as the Parts Manager), Independent Parts stores and managed 2 different NAPA stores. I have also been a Quality Assurance Technician for a major hose clamp manufacturer and assisted in the development of clamps for Isuzu/D-Max, International and Caterpillar.

I am now an Independent Broker for a premier on-line parts store which just kicked off in December of 2007 and is growing by leaps and bounds. With the fuel prices being what they are, this business should explode! More and more people are using the Internet to research buying auto parts, thus saving the hassle of standing in line at a parts store, not to mention the fuel savings! This is indeed the future of auto parts sales as the gasoline and diesel fuel prices continue to sky-rocket. Imagine, sitting in your chair at the computer, barefoot, purchasing auto parts, and as a member, obtaining rebates from your sales of parts, developing customers and other brokers, and receiving rebates from their purchases and sales 24/7!